Stranded at the Tiki
I have vowed to be more responsive to my reading public. What good is it to write something that no one will ever read? I have found out here recently that I have a much broader readership than was originally suspected. I have several visitors that don’t bother to sign the guest registry. Leave a comment. Let me know you stopped by. Tell me what you would like to see in future entries.
I am open to suggestions.
I want to tell you a story that you would like to hear. Like the time I ate ten hamburgers for money, or the one and only time I rented myself out? If that doesn’t whet your whistle, then how about the Frenchman with asthma? The story of how I acquired the exact same scar as 007? The time I rode the raging rapids and wore nothing but a fedora? The time I was once thrown out of the bowling alley, the Moose Lodge, or the time I was barred from playing any games in Sunday school?
Let me know. I’m an open book. Just tell me what page we’re on.
I, too, had no idea that LOTS of people stop by Frying Bacon until I put that lil' flying dollah on there and saw that I was wrong in basing my readership on mere comments... BUT, after all, I LIKE comments. That's why I'm leaving some HERE so as to encourage others to leave some on MINE.