Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Doc Speaks: The Thirty-Two Dollar Idiot

This is my first foray into video. It took me three hours to post a nine minute story as I am a boob on many different levels. I hope you enjoy it as it took me three days.



  1. I gotta be honest. I didn't watch the whole video, cuz well, it is 9 minutes. I have to say though that I LOVE your accent !!

  2. Welcome to the world of video blogging, Doc! Awesome!

  3. It's good to see and hear you on a drab working day.

    That was like listening to a Garrison Keillor story.

  4. Philly- Sorry it was so long but I thought if it was video it would be easier than asking you to read it. And yes, I am a card-carrying redneck and sound like this all the time. People often ask me what trailer park I grew up in.

    Some Guy- Because of you, I figured out how to use the little camera that is built into the lid of the laptop. Your vid's inspire me in ways you will never know! My flying pig is next!

    ERR- I'd like to think I'm more entertaining than Garrison Keillor but I'm pleased to be placed in such good company. Should I do the next one naked?


  5. Fuck a fuckin fuck!

    I dearly love this sir, well done!

  6. Skyler's Dad- I must admit that I was a little surprised when I first heard the voice that goes with your face. In my mind, you sounded much like Barry White. I hope I didn't shock in the same way. And thanks, as I thought of you when I wrote it.


  7. I often tell you how much you know! And I never say you don't know a "bloomin' thing."

    I know you know how to do a lot more than I're an apocolpse man, when the world ends, I know we're going to make it because of your mad survival skillz! And don't get me started on the benefits of your cheap bastardry...

  8. ::smart salute::

    I stand in awe, good sir, and only can say that the three hours it took to post 9 minutes was time well, WELL spent.

    I have a webcam, but I'm afraid the best *I* could come up with would be a bad imitation of that Numa Numa Guy.

  9. I like that your shirt discusses noshing. ;o)

  10. I love this!!!

    Keep reading your stories!

    First of all, because it just rocks.

    Secondly, I don't always have time to read them. This is ideal for me, as I can listen like I listen to the radio as I am doing menial paper-pushing tasks at my desk.

  11. Listent to this the other day, I like you even more, now that I've met you.

    haha, to Flan's characterization of cheap bastardry

  12. Oh my God...Doc! You're on my teevee! You're one of my favourite storytellers. I can see how Mr. Some Guy would inspire you too.

    If I ever put my face and voice together, it would break the internet so I'm leaving it to you. Love the story too.

    Did you have to light that cigarette? I quit again so now I'm jealous. Maybe if I only smoke during your show? :-)


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