Not this time!
This time I have been recognized by not one, but two powerhouses of blogdom! I refer to none other than Freida Bee, and the bad tempered zombie herself, Barbara Bruederlin.

From my irritated undead friend, I got an Excellent blog award, and from Ms. Free 2 Be, I got a Kreativ Blogger award, but like all of life's majestic wonders there is a catch. Barb asks that I nominate 10 other bloggers and Freida asks for seven things I like that aren't people. So here are all 17 at once:
1. Pulling on underware that are still hot from the dryer.
A. The Baroness Von Bloggenschtern.
2. A really funny dirty joke.
B. Ubermilf.
3. Finding money in my pocket that I didn't know I had that will be promptly blown on beer.
C. Randal Graves.
4. The feel of climbing into cool, fresh, clean sheets that I didn't have to wash, dry, and put on the bed.
5. The familiar caw of a crow.
E. Beach Bum.
6. Celery
F. Alan Griffiths.
7. Beer. (What? You were expecting me to say puppies, rainbows, and hugs from small children? Not a chance.)
G. Pipe Tobacco.
H. The Right Honorable Cormac Brown.
I. Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein.
J. And perhaps my all time favorite, Skyler's Dad.
I must admit that I work very hard on my blog and I put a lot of my heart and soul into it. It is important to me that when you come here, there is something entertaining, fun, and funny. I work harder on this than anything I have ever done in my life and it consumes great gobs of my time. I thank you both deeply for your kind nod and I hope to continue to make you laugh.
Your friend,
Oh my god I think I will go throw my underwear in the dryer for a few minutes! I can't think of any nicer than lovely warm nether parts.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on both of your awards; I shall be checking out your nominees. And for the record, I wasn't even all that drunk.
I have never been so honored to receive an "E" on anything since that day in college when I received one for Art Appreciation. Only this time I am wondering why me? Why now? I was just starting to nurse that wonderful period of winter time blues and here you have snatched it way from me. Thanks a lot.
ReplyDeleteNo seriously Doc. I do appreciate your nod. Thank You. I too put more than I probably should into my words. I certainly think about them way too much. I will try to rise to the level this stamp of approval dictates.
Uh Oh......I feel a post coming on. I'll have to cross my legs and hold it though. I have to go open the shop.
You can't fool me, this is merely a cheap ploy to get your honorees to buy the next round. I'm insulted. Now drink your beer.
ReplyDeleteThanks Doc!
ReplyDeleteI am honored sir! So much that Friday night as I sit at my favorite tiki bar on Hilton Head Island I will buy everyone a round. Now y'all just have to get down here.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Doc! You really deserve that award by the way.