Saturday, September 06, 2008

Notes From The Bottom Drawer, "The Benefits of Tiki" edition

One of the many benefits of belonging to Tiki is that we are always helping each other, and we have a large pool of talent to draw from. We have two landscapers, a carpenter, a salesman, a trainer, a truckdriver, a golf pro, an electrician, a banker, a beautician, and a full time smartass who does any of the writing that needs done. (Guess which one I am?)

Last night we were treated to the benefit of having a beautician about: haircuts all around. Franklinton had a trim and dodged remarks that he was starting to look like Ronald McDonald.



  1. Add a masseur and bartender and your little party will be complete!

  2. As a fellow full-time smartass, I salute you. Oh, and I love that picture! Did you find that or did someone you know make it?

  3. I wouldn't know about anything smart-assed...

    And the ghost in the picture looks as if he is going to be doing some fondling!

  4. Coaster- We have a bartender with eighteen years experience but or masseur is terrible. Thanks for stopping by.

    Some Guy- Thanks, and I just found it on the web.

    Skyler's Dad- Liar.

    Cap'n Ergo- Me too!



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