Saturday, April 03, 2010

Uncle Riley's Hat And A Fairy Tale Joke

Working at my job requires lots of skills, especially during the holidays. It takes endurance, wit, aplomb, tact, pluck, and comfortable shoes. I regret that the only thing I have are the shoes. I know that everyone has bad days at work. It is just a fact of life. The only thing is mine are marked on everyone's calender and I don't spend them with my family. For three years running I haven't gotten Father's Day off and I am the only guy in the bakery. But after a long day of selling cookies and doughnuts to fat men, I like to unwind.

And how better than a joke?

Have a wonderful Easter/Passover and I'll see you all tomorrow.


  1. Happy Easter, Doc & Flannery & family!

    Great joke mate, a nice little gem to start a Sunday's drinking off.

    Regards mate, David.

  2. Nice. Your jokes are enhanced by the fact that you have a voice like butter.

  3. Why aren't you on the radio, you and your dulcet tones? NPR (or better yet, the CBC) needs you!

    Is it wrong that I am now lusting after a cold glass of beer at 8:15 on an Easter Sunday morning?

  4. Don't kid yourself Doc, you have each and every one of those skills. My best to all of you on this holiday.

  5. David- Well wishes to you and yours!

    Some Guy- Like butter? Yeah, wheezey, three pack-a-day, drunken butter perhaps.

    BB- I just glad to inspire lust in someone even if it only amounts to a breakfast beer.

    Skyler's Dad- Don't load up on the choclate. You won't have room for the Guinness later!


  6. You definitely have the joke-telling gift Doc. You will pass this talent down to Lucy and Riley, whether you realize it or not.

  7. These are great. I feel like I'm right there with you.

    I like the new picture in the title. We need to get out there again soon so I can take more.

  8. Between that chapeau and smoke, you look like a Brit soccer hooligan. ;-)

  9. GkL- I have so very little to gift them with but a well told dick joke is one of them. Always glad to hear from you dear.

    Err- Clear your calender for week of July 26th. We will head downstream then!

    Randal- I am a hooligan at heart even if I don't follow the sport.


  10. I always wondered what those hats are. I've heard them described as "English Racing Caps" and "Newsboy Caps." Brilliant joke, and get rid of dem cancer sticks so that you'll be around for your grandkids.


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